Marie Dutton Brown
Marie Dutton Brown is one of “the major African American players” in the publishing industry, according to Black Enterprise magazine.
Brown has been a bibliophile since her childhood years in Virginia and Tennessee. Following graduation from Penn State, she worked in Philadelphia, New York, and Los Angeles.
Now president of Marie Brown Associates, a literary services agency, she is one of a small group of African American literary agents and publishing consultants. A veteran of the book business for 43 years, Brown has worked as an editorial assistant and book editor, bookseller and bookstore manager, editor-in-chief of a magazine, book-marketing strategist, and literary agent. She has worked with clients like Susan Taylor, Faith Ringgold, Tom Feelings, and Carl Weber.
Brown’s father, Benson Dutton graduated from Penn State’s College of Engineering in 1933 and was the first African American to receive the Distinguished Alumni Award in 1971.